Instead of monitoring hundreds of stocks, you can trade just one and this will accomplish three critical things...
First, you will have faith and confidence in every trade.
Using elementary level fundamental and technical analysis will allow you to predict the price of oil movements.
Using high probability, you will win on more of your trades. And when that happens it improves your confidence and your mood. Plus, making more money has the side effect of making you and your spouse happier people.
Second, you will spend less time monitoring your trades since there will be less to track.
Billions of dollars of oil is traded everyday. Liquidity is never a problem.
It is the most news covered and reported on commodity there is. All the data and news on oil is openly available.
There is no insider trading in oil. There are only two main forces that cause oil prices to change. And they are easy to understand.
If a trade does not go your way, there are simple adjustments you can make to fix the trade or limit your losses.
Third, you will have less stress and a LOT more free time.
It takes literally seconds per day to check the price of oil.
On most days, that is all there is to do...the rest of the day is yours to spend however you wish.
And since my trades average 14 days, you can take half the month off if you choose.
Naturally, the next thing that will happen is...