Tie Me To A Chair, Feed Me Truth Serum, and Make Me Answer Every Question About Options Trading That You Have
Let me tell you exactly how to do that…

Well without the tying up and the truth serum.

I am willing to spill the beans on some of the best kept secrets of options trading.
Yes, There Are Things You Are Not Told
And yes, others are wondering the same things you are.
So we held a massive training called Asked and Answered.  

First we emailed our list of over 30,000 individual investors and asked what they needed answers to.

The real How-To stuff.

The response was increditble. We got over 1,000 questions!

We then compiled all the questions, removed the duplicates, and separated them into categories.

I, Allen Sama (Head Trader at OptionGenius.com), spent days answering every single question.

And when that was done, we held mutiple webinars where I answered the questions and took more questions from those that were live on the calls.

The whole process took over a month.  

Every question that was asked was answered, on every topic imaginable (concerning options and investing).  

There was a total of 16 topics.

And I went deep into these topics.  

It took over 9 Hours to cover everything!  

Hundreds of people attended the Live trainings.  

And we recorded all of it.
Some of the things I revealed:
  •  How To Find The Best Covered Calls
  •  The #1 Way To Become A Consistent Trader - And It's Free 
  •  How 1 Couple Turned $33k into $1 Million  
  •  The Best and Easiest Way I Know To Be A Better Tradere 
  •  Comparing an Iron Condor to a Credit Spread
  •  The Biggest Problem With Credit Spreads and How To Overcome It 
  •  How To Have Success With Options 
  •  You Need This Much $ To Be Able To Trade For A Living   
  •  How To Adjust Trades
  •  How and When To Buy Options
  •  Having Only 1 Of These Is Costing You Money
  •  How And Why I Trade My Retirement Accounts Differently Than My Regular Trading Accounts
  •  The Only Technical Indicators You Need 
  •  How To Use The Greeks To Your Advantage
  •  And So Much More...
Here is a list of all the topics we went deep into...
An adjustment is what you do when a trade goes against you. It is easy to get into a trade, but adjusting properly is crucial.

We covered, when to adjust a trade, what are the key factors you should be looking at, several methods of adjustments, and also when it is not worth it to adjust and what you should do instead.
Option Basics
When just starting out, things can seem a bit confusing.

So we spent some time answering questions from newer traders. While this section is called option basics, it is still something that everyone can learn from.

Sometimes, going back to the basics is the best way to get ahead.
This is a geat non-direction trade that has many variations: the classic, the iron, the split strike, etc.

Since the butterfly is a great way to make over 10% in a short amount of time, I think it is a strategy all option sellers should be familiar with.
Buying Options
This is where most option traders start, and why so many lose money. But there is a way to win as a buyer.

In this session we covered what those ways are and how to find good opportunities for trades.
Choosing A Trade
Many traders waste too much time looking for their next trade.

In this session we covered questions related to finding trades, what stocks, ETFs, and Indexes to trade, what a good trade looks like, and more.
Covered Calls
Everyone loves the covered call. It is usually the first option selling strategy you started with.

But that does not mean it is easy. Here we answered questions about stocks to trade on, how to implement the covered call, what to do when it goes bad, how to make it part of your regular portfolio and more.
Credit Spreads
These are an awesome way to make money in Up, Down, and Sideways Markets.

This was one of the most popular sessions we did.
More Topics We Covered
Iron Condors
Take the credit spread, and double the return without any additional capital at risk.

The iron condor is my bread and butter so this session was very popular and comprehensive 
Earnings Plays
Earnings comes every 3 months.

So how do you play them? That is what we disussed in this session.
Naked Options
Buying stocks at a discount or being paid to wait. Gotta love that.

Naked options are not as risky as they are made out to be. So In this sessions we talked about how to find, trade, and profit naked Puts and Calls.
Technical Analysis
Technical Analysis does not need to be difficult or complicated. You do not need to spend money on dozens of indicators.

In this session I answer all questions about what indicators I use, which are worthless, and what is the easiest ways to use the charts.
Tools Of The Trade
There are many. And so were the questions about them. We covered brokers, software, scanners, advisories, and a lot more.
Trading Plans
Without a proper trading plan you will just lose money.
So we spent a good amount of time, on how to create a plan that works for you and the way you want to trade.
Had some awesome questions about hedging - which is another way to say protecting your investments.

This is not a topic that is normally discussed when it comes to trading but is crucial to your success.
In this session we answered questions about what volatility is, how to track it, how to trade it, and how to use it to your advantage.
The complete Asked and Answered training is over 9 Hours Long!

We recorded every minute, and now it can be yours.

If you are serious about options trading, this is something that is a must have.

And if you act now, I will do even better for you…

For the next 30 days after you purchase, if for some crazy reason, you have a question that is not answered on the training, just email me and I will answer it for you in detail.

This is like one-on-one coaching where you get your personal questions answered. At a pittance of what it would normally cost.

And the training comes with a 30 days money back guarantee – so you have nothing to lose.

The cost?

A simple $97.

For over 9 hours of recorded options coaching, and 30 days of one on one coaching!

Once you purchase you will have access to the recordings forever so you can watch over and over, at your leisure, whenever you wish.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
You get the entire training, all 16 sessions—over 9 hours of recorded questions and answers.

And you also get to ask your own questions via email if they are not already answered so you can get a personal response.

Plus, there’s absolutely no risk. You are proected backed our comprehensive 30-day money-back guarantee.  

Join the training today, and if you’re not completely convinced that this is the best training you have ever bought in your whole life, simply let us know during the first 30 days, and we'll refund your entire fee.
Frequently Asked Questions About Leaddigits
   Where did all the questions come from?
Before the trainings, we emailed our list of over 30,000 options traders what their questions were. Many questions were duplicates or similar to others. So we compiled them all and seperated them into separate topics.

All questions were asked by individual investors like you on our email list.
   Is this a full, complete training on all the items mentioned above?

This training gives you answers to the most common questions asked by traders. The How-To stuff they cannot find answers to.

For example, we talk about Iron Condors in one session, but to really teach the strategy from A to Z would require multiple hours. And so we have a MasterClass that teaches the Iron Condor, but that is a separate course.
   Is this live or recorded? 
It is recordings of the live trainings. 

Since they are recorded you can watch them at your pace and over and over a many times as you wish
   How do I submit my questions if they are not already answered in the training?
Once your prchase goes through you will get a Welcome Email.

Simply reply to that welcome email with your questions. But be sure to watch the training first.
   Is this for new traders or experienced ones?
There is plenty here for both. We got questions from folks of all levels. Some questions are from beginners. Some topics are very advanced. Every trader watching these trinings will learn a lot - and will be able to apply that to his trading.
   I'm really interested. But first, tell me more about the money-back guarantee.
With OptionGenius, your purchase is 100% protected. You can go through the entire training for 30 days risk-free. If you find that Asked and Answered isn't right for you, just let us know in the first 30 days and receive a full refund.
   I'm in! When do I get access to my training?
Fantastic! You'll get access to the entire training instantly when you purchase by clicking on the yellow button below.
Click below to purchase now and instantly get started with Asked and Answered.
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Disclaimer and Risk Disclosure: Option trading involves substantial risk and is not suitable for all investors. We cannot and will not guarantee that you will not lose money or that you will make money from the information found on this website and / or affiliated products / services. Past results do not guarantee future results. You can lose money trading options and the loss can be substantial. Losing trades can occur, have occurred in the past, and will occur in the future. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. Only risk capital should be invested since it is possible to lose all of your principal our use of this website and affiliated products / services is at your own risk. You should read "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options" to further understand the risks of trading options.We are not licensed financial planners, financial advisors, stock brokers, investment brokers, or investment advisors. Before making any trades, check with a financial planner, investment advisor, tax advisor, or anyone else that controls your finances to make sure option trading is right for you. The information provided on this site should not be construed as individual investment advice. All information presented on this site is the opinion of the author only and is not a solicitation to buy, sell, or hold any investment or security of any kind.U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Forex, Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.